Sunday, November 18, 2007

Quarantine @ the Lavender House

Jackson spent all of Friday throwing up. We were in the car about to run some errands and he started choking and then up it came... He seemed kinda mopey and listless, well more than usual, and now we know why. He even wanted to lay in ouor bed around noon before this happened and we pretty much shooed him outside...oops. By saturday he was feeling better but still really feverish. Today he is back to his little rascaly self and I am so glad. Poor guy told me he was sorry for "pukting" in the car. What a sweetie. Let's hope the germs don't think the rest of us are such great hosts!

Cooper has yet another cold. I think we had a whole week break from being sick! I am sure there is an ear infection to match. Ugg! He is also teething and so as always the combo is a grumpy little dude. It will be nice to have a happy Cooper once we get past the "lets-catch-every-single-virus- known-to-man" stage.

I am putting hand-sanitizer in stockings this year...

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