Monday, November 19, 2007

Cooper is 10 Months

I can't believe my baby is almost a year old. It has gone by sooooooo much faster it seems than with Jackson. Why is that? I worked 40-50 hours a week when Jackson was small, but now that I stay home full time since Cooper's birth, time seems to go by faster. You would think that Jackson's babyhood would have flown before my eyes, even though I got to bring him to work with me. Just being more distracted and on the go I mean. And I would think that staying home would make the time pass so slowly, and he'd be a baby a bit longer.But no, I feel like Cooper has just gone from tiny screaming thing to army crawling around the house and refusing to be rocked to sleep. I find myself trying to soak up every moment that he will let me snuggle him or is upset and reaches his fat little hands out to me. He still does things that remind me that I have plenty of time before he rolls his eyes at me:

* still needs his little silky blankies to calm down and sleep- the more the better
* likes to be rocked while having a bottle ( with the silky blankey is a bonus )
* gets scared if he thinks I have left the room
* rubs his face into my neck when he is happy
* likes to hold my finger while being transported around on my hip

But his newest accomplishments are:

* a sound that is best described as "ah-sheesh"
* pulling up on most everything
* turning pages of a book
* trying his very best to make a tower of 2 blocks
* putting things in and out of little boxes or containers
* eating meat purees- yummy!!!
* starting to annoy previously enamoured big brother

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