Monday, February 11, 2008

Another book down the hatch!

My brain is buzzing with activity! Two books in two months- this is a record people! Of course, there have been sacrifices. Laundry is taking up large corner of my bedroom, there is enough food under Cooper's highchair for a whole meal, eyebrows need plucking, and we have no food in the fridge. Ok, who are we kidding, those things never get taken care of anyway, but now I have an intellectual excuse. So there.
Here is the latest, another historical fiction, but with a twist- the author actually lived during the time she writes about, WWII, and ends up being killed in Auschwitz. The book never got finished. A bit hard to wrap your mind around that concept.

Busy weekend

*I got a new laptop this weekend and I looooove it!! Our other one was so slooooooooow and begging us to put it out of it's misery. It couldn't even keep up with the speed of typing. Yeah.

I got blue.

So, I am hoping I will be more inspired to do some digital scrapbooking, as hopefully it won't take me 2 hours to complete one page!

*All the "boys" got haircuts this weekend too. It was Cooper's first. Time to lose the mullet. Fluff on top, long in the back. He was getting mistaken for a girl even with construction themed outfits on...He did great, and of course looks like a "real little boy" now, not just a baby. Sigh. We did manage to keep some of his signature fluff, though!

*We wrapped of the weekend with some biking and skateboarding in the park. I love that it is near 80' in February. Love it.

*On a less fun note, Jason flew out this morning to Denver for work. He will be gone a whole week. Calgone take me away! Jackson was in a lovely mood driving home from the airport. Trying to soften the mood I asked him if he already missed Daddy. "No, I just wanted to get on that airplane".