Friday, August 17, 2007

My turn!

Jackson looked JUST like Jason at birth and for quite a while afterwards. He is starting to have more of my facial features, but continues to be "long and tall" like Daddy. And stubborn like him too...When Cooper was born I was all set for another little blondie Jackson. Nope! He looked JUST like I did at birth. My mom came across this picture of me and I had to do a double take! That's Cooper! God must have so much fun with DNA... P.S. Happy 7 months Coop!

1 comment:

Cathy Wilson said...

I just love that picture of you when you were a baby. If you look at my baby pictures, we look alike. bald and the same nose and ears.Cooper is starting to look like you also, but I do think Jackson has some of your features, that smile is yours...I am so happy you have this blog for us to keep up, they are growing so fast. & months, it seems like it was only a couple of months ago. can't wait for the birthday pics. love you, Aunt Cathy