Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lucky in Love

Today is Jason and I's 7th wedding anniversary! I can't believe how fast it has gone by. It seems like yesterday we were still commuting into Austin together in our little Ford Escort from Thorndale everyday. Saving for "someday", a house, kids. Then moving into our 1970's duplex. More saving. They were some of the most stressful, but happy times together. We still drive by there and smile. Getting pregnant with Jackson was such an unexpected miracle. We quickly put all of our hard earned money down on our first home. We had so much fun making it ours and painting the nursery. Some unforseen job changes that tested our marriage and made it stronger than ever. A much planned for and prayed for Cooper. Trying our hardest to create close and strong family ties with our children. Working hard at home and on the job to give them the best we can. I am so proud of everything we have accomplished and the family we are. We have learned the value of being good friends, besides husband and wife. Everyday is a new adventure, and I am so glad we have found each other to share life with. I can't wait to see what the next 7 years hold for us.

1 comment:

Cathy Wilson said...

Hi Tina & jason, love your blog, I love the new video of the danceing. I think I sent you an anniversary card, but if I did not,I know you will be together forever, it is just something you see in your faces and the light around your family. You should be so proud of what you have accomplished. Being friends is the most important thing there is in a marriage, when the kids grow up and leave for lives of there own, you will still be best friends that will be able to talk to each other and enjoy each other, that is so important. We love you and your family so much Tina, we miss you, you are the daughter I never had.One of these days I have got to get to Texas and see you all are in my thought s and prayers everyday. Kiss those cute boys for me.Keep in touch. Love Aunt Cathy