Monday, March 8, 2010

Up to Speed

We have been so crazy busy lately!! Here's what's been going on...

Biggest news right now is that we are selling our home, and on the lookout for a bigger one! We've put an offer on one we like and are just waiting to see how it all plays out. Wish us luck!

Jackson: Is about to earn in brown stripe belt ( pics soon )! He is so excited, I can't believe he has been doing Tae Kwon Do for almost a year now! Another big accomplishment is that he has started early reading. I am so proud of him, and am amazed how fast he learns. Jackson is really into art right now and will draw and create for hours.

Cooper: Just had ear tubes put in and adnoids removed, so we are anxious to see how his speech and hearing will improve. He was so brave for the surgery! We are still potty-training: some days are great, others are great for diapers... Recently he mentioned "Baby Ri-ee", which I wasn't really sure if he understood. Also he wants to style his hair into "spikes" every night, and makes sure "Bubba" thinks he looks cool.

Kaylee: Starting to squawk and be noisy when the mood strikes! Still teething away, but no little pearlies that I can see. A big accomplishment is that she will now sleep in her crib unswaddled. Kaylee prefers to have her face totally covered by her little silky blankets when she sleeps, which freaks Mommy out. She is sitting up and thinking about getting on her hands and knees. She likes to say "dabdabdab" and shake her head "nononono". She has been doing great with her breathing and eating lots lately. Kaylee has figured out that if she shrieks at her brothers they will pretty much do anything she wants. This leads to lots of rounds of The Pick Up Game!

Riley: A big guy!! He keeps measuring well over his age, but the Dr. doesn't think he'll too much bigger than Cooper. Hope he's right! He is very healthy and active, and we can't wait to meet him!

1 comment:

sarah h said...

Love the update! We hope y'all are doing well with the housing transition. Kaylee is growing so fast!