Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Bugs

Jackson has been bringing me a variety of creepy crawlies this summer, mostly rolly-pollies- a.k.a pillbugs. He even had a whole "jungle" of them until he realized he hadn't "watered" them in a few days. Life lesson...

Cooper stepped in a fireant mound and his little fat foot got even more fat. So painful! Everyday he'd want me to inspect his "boo-boos" and count them.

We've had a cockroach or two and I HATE them so much I can't help but scream when I see them. Jackson thinks this is hilarious and will now randomly scream out " Mommy, cockroach!" The first few times I came running with the raid...

So when Jackson yelled from the backyard to "come look at this bug", I was a little hesitant. But when I saw this dragonfly just hanging out, I ran to get my camera!

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