Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Here is the belly, nearing countdown till the big day. Kaylee is still VERY active despite theoretically running out of room. I have completed a few projects for her room, but the walls are still blue, so it doesn't feel like I've accomplished much. What have I accomplished?
*Her closet went from empty to fully stocked with PINK!
*Bought a package of newborn diapers, along with pull-ups per the norm.
*Registered at the hospital. For the third time. Wow.
*Took the boys to the dentist before dental hygiene is forgotten due to sleep deprived parents.
*Steam cleaned the carpets.
*Timed Braxton-Hicks contractions.
*Stopped cleaning and ate a bowl of ice cream.
*Painted my toes. I think.


Mimi said...

You are a beautiful woman! Even more so as a pregnant woman!!!!
What's this "thirty-something"? You have at least 9 months left in the 20's.

Can't wait for Kaylee to get here.

Tina said...

Ha! I meant 30 something WEEKS!! I am enjoying every month before I am the big 3-0...