Friday, October 24, 2008


That is the best word I can use for myself right now. I am trusting God knows what He is doing, thankful for my friends and family, and hopeful for this new little life inside.

1 comment:

Ma Schiller & Papa Badger said...

Yes, my dear, God does know what he is doing, especially when it comes to another precious child into the family. We had some people wondering (way back when), how come we kept having "another one." Well duh?!
BECAUSE we wanted a family and each and every one of you means the world to us and we wouldn't trade having all of you for anything is this world !!
And now - another special grandchild for us.
All of these children are gifts from God. With Jared's darling twins, Pierce & Ryan, and this sweet new bundle of yours, we will now have six grandchildren. Hard to believe that Alexander, Jackson, and Cooper are now the "big" boys !!
Ah, life is good !
(It will be better when the morning sickness passes !!!)
Glad Jason is back home from his big trip. Love the goodies he was so thoughtful to bring back to all of us.
Love, Mom & Dad (Ma & Papa Badger Schiller)