Tuesday, February 19, 2008

yummy, even for wimps

I got this at HEB this week from the little chef station they have set up in the middle of the store. It's usually wierd, seafood stuff, so I veer away from the area. But this time I happened to get too close and the guy asked if I wanted any chili. That sounds pretty normal to me, sure! It was so good! Jackson ate a whole bowl! Ok, it was a sample sized bowl, but this is impressive anyway. I am a big wimp when it comes to hot or spicy food, and thankfully Jason is too. So Jackson and I made it tonight. Here's what we did:

1. Brown ground beef.

2. Add jar of chili, simmer until hot.

3. Eat

1 comment:

April said...

Mmmm, I'll have to try that!