Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stay tuned

I am trying to update photo albums, add some of my favorite new sites, and give the blog a little face lift. So check back often!

Until then, I just wanted to share this picture of Jackson. I realized that I hardly ever post about him. Kinda the second child treatment, reversed.

A few things about Jackson as of late:

*He is all of a sudden really into his train table and spends hours making "tracks"

( I almost boxed it up since it has sat untouched since his birthday )

*He likes to use the word "stumbled" whenever possible

*Does not appreciate his little brother's curiosity
( i.e. getting into his toys )

* Has a imaginary freind named "Hohovia"
( maybe it's spelled Jojovia, I'll have to check )

*Wants Daddy 24/7

*He joins us in bed everynight at around 3ish...

*Is a bed hog

* Shows random strangers his light-up Spiderman shoes

* Survives almost solely on juice boxes

Love ya buddy!

1 comment:

April said...

Love the face lift... okay, I'm inspired. I'm just not as creative as you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see you all Sunday. Have a great weekend!