Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First Dentist Visit

Jackson had his first teeth cleaning yesterday after preschool. He was very brave and fine with leaving me in the waiting room for his x-rays. I got to join him afterwards and he was acting like this was old hat. As soon as the actual dentist came in he froze. She was very high energy, and I think Jackson decided she was just a bit too silly for him. At one point he was sitting on my lap in order for the dentist to look around at his teeth. Cooper didn't like being sidelined so he joined us in the chair. Once he saw the dentist with her mask on he flipped out! He was shaking and started crying. He would bury his little face in my neck and then peek out at her and then start crying all over. Such fun! Once the dentist left, everyone calmed down and Jackson was very cooperative for the hygenis. He just wanted to double check with her that he wouldn't be getting any shots. He has no cavities, but upon further inspection, he has a cross bite- which will require "expanders" when he gets older. Sounds painful! Jackson got a toothbrush and "sparkle" toothpaste, which he was really excited about using that night.

1 comment:

Cathy Wilson said...

Hi Tina, sounds like you have had aquite a day at the Dentist office. Poor Cooper. must have scared him, that mask and all. Jackson, so cute, making sure no shots!!we know who that sounds like! Miss you guys, love Aunt Cathy