Thursday, September 27, 2007

Test results

Good news and not so good news.
The good news is that Cooper is NOT allergic to eggs, which means he can for sure have any vaccine that was cultured in egg. The not so great, but certainly not bad news, is that he IS "moderate to severly" allergic to milk. I will have to discuss which end of the spectrum he is closer to with his Dr at his 9 month appt. to figure out what exactly that means...
For now we have been trying a little bit of a formula that is halfway between hypoallergenic and normal milk based formula. Middle of the road so to speak. SO FAR he has been doing okay, but with the bonus of teething and a cold he has been SO grumpy. It is hard to tell if the new formula is part of the grumpiness...He is so grumpy he is even scaring Jackson!

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