Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rough Morning!

After dropping Jackson off at preschool, I had to take Cooper into the Dr's lab to have blood drawn to test for some allergies. I wasn't really sure how that would go, and asked Grandma Schiller ( "Ma" ) to go for help. Okay mostly so I wouldn't cry. They had a hard time finding a vein under all his chubbiness and had to keep poking around. They still didn't get anything so we had to start all over on the other arm. They did finally get it going, but by this time Cooper was beside himself and crying so hard he was shaking. At least he was sitting in my lap turned away from me so that he didn't think I was the meanie! We came home to a warm bottle and lots of rocking. He is totally crashed right now with his little Bugs Bunny bandaids falling off.
Next week we should get some results, so it will be worth it...fingers crossed!

1 comment:

April said...

Oh my, Tina. I am so sorry you had to go through that! I'm glad he's home resting. I'll keep Coop in my prayers for good results.