Thursday, July 12, 2007

Play Dates and Plane Trips

This week Jackson caught up with some friends of his that he hasn't gotten to see much. Mommy has been so busy trying to keep up with two kids now that we have been kinda out of the loop socially. We went to Chick-fil-a on Monday with Hannah and Julia and today we went to Radijazz with Isabelle. This was our first time there, and it was lots of fun!! So much to climb and jump off of. He could have gone all day without stopping. Thankfully he did crash when we got home and took a nap. We are going to try to do more during the week again, and hopefully Cooper will be a good sport about it cutting into his nap time. Once preschool starts, he will probably be pooped and want to stay home on his off days!

On a grown up note- Jason and I are planning a long weekend trip. Dell has chosen 1o managers to represent Dell in an "Amazing Race" of sorts. These 10 get to hand over a new Dell laptop to the winners. There are quite a few destinations to choose from: Miami, New York, Chicago, San Fransico, Seattle and Austin too. Right now he gets top pick so we are having a hard time deciding. I envision laying on the beach in Miami doing absolutely nothing. Jason wants to throw himself into the hustle and bustle of New York. Either way it will be nice to have a mini-vacation without the kids. Something tells me we will be missing them soon after we leave though...

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