Thursday, June 21, 2007

Why didn't I do this earlier?

The whole blog thing I mean? It's such a good idea!! Everyone you know can instantly see what you ( and more interestingly, your kids ) have been up to and leave messages letting you know they stopped by to say "hi". All without even having to make sure the guest bed has clean sheets!

Well, I have seriously fallen off the communication bandwith since Cooper's arrival. I was once very industrious about mailing out Jackson's latest batch of pictures to family. Calling everyone I knew to update a tooth arrival or skinned knee... Scrapbooking these events right away also ensured my title as supermom, but alas, that title is a myth!

The gifts of a second child is many, but also a humbling reminder to stop trying to be perfect, and just enjoy the moment. Whatever it may be. You've already learned from your first baby- these moments are just snaphots in time, and before you know it, memories...

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