Monday, June 25, 2007

Summer Camp

This morning I dropped off Jackson at his little summer camp. We are calling it "little house preschool" since it is being held at someone's house and not his actual preschool. I woke him up around 8, which is pretty early for him since he doesn't usually fall asleep until midnight or later. As soon as I said "it's time for preschool", he goes "I'M AWAKE". He wanted to get run downstairs and get his new airplane lunchbox, forget about breakfast or gtting dressed! He was all excited until we got to the front door of the "preschool house". Then he froze! I had to carry him in, but as soon as we saw the other kids and toys he was better. I snuck out as he was playing, but he spotted me and came running with tears- "Mommy you stay at preschool with me!!" I helped him find a garage with toy cars and he sat with Miss Sandy's ( our family friend who works at the preschool ) and played with her daughter, Brooke. I snuck out again with success. On the way home I was thinking how nice it will be to have some one on one time with Cooper, maybe catch some zzz's if he actually sleeps, or get the house cleaned up. I also thought about what a big boy my first baby is now and how proud I am of him.


Aunt Donna said...

Hi Jackson, You certainly look all grown-up with your lunch-kit, in hand. I hope to see you some time soon.

Jared said...

Jackson looks grown-up in this picture. Time flies...